How long should you spend preparing, 7 minutes… Or 7 HOURS?

by sukhvirk150

The difference between good and excellent is just based on how much effort you put into it.

I’m still learning this. I attended a webcast by Ramit Sethi about getting an salary increase. He asserted that people were able to double their salary after one meeting. As I engaged in the webcast, he talked about preparation. Those of his students who succeeded spent roughly 7 hours preparing for the meeting. Time spent not only researching the company, but also the market, including how much others who do their work get paid. In the end that 7 hour investment turned into a $40,000 salary increase.

It hit me. Those people who make such huge leaps in their lives often do those small things that everyone else doesn’t want to do.

With studying in law school, it comes in the form of spending a few hours each week reviewing. With writing a blog post, it might be spending a few extra minutes reviewing the post and then a few more minutes thinking of a title. With being healthy, it may be as simple as taking the stairs whenever possible.

These small bits of extra effort often help snowball the effects of our work.

This young girl benefited from the small pushes that charity:water made. Each of those small pushes helped the org grow, and it’s changed her and her community’s lives.

What’s one area in your life you can push and go from just good to excellent?